We were busy all weekend cleaning the garage, doing yardwork, cleaning the carpets and dejunking everything. (Still more to do on that front). But we definitely deserved our day of rest today. Sundays around our house are pretty laid back. Toby reads, Nate sometimes cooks, (although today was just left overs), sometimes sleeps, (because of working so hard yesterday), Aspen and Isaac play, Betsy takes care of Hazel or plans the week, but mostly we just hang out as a family. Hazel is getting bigger and starting to interact with anyone that will look her way. My face is looking better. Most of the swelling has gone down and only a little numbness left. I am getting really tired of mashed potatoes and soup though. I have discovered that mac and cheese can pretty much just be swallowed...it doesn't require a lot of chewing and there is always ice cream! The good thing to come from this enforced diet is I've lost weight and can get back into about half of my old clothes!! yea!! I'm going to start running and I think things will got even faster. THe doctor says it will be about 3 months before my diet is back to what it was before the surgery. (I wouldn't recommend this as a dieting option though). Anyway, not much is going on here. It is 100 degrees and pretty humid. Mom and Dad and Maddy and Axel will be here on Tuesday. We are excited about that!! Hope everyone has enjoyed their day of rest!!