
Let there be light.

So, we wanted to get a light in our kitchen that was a better reflection of our personalities. So we found a great one at IKEA. This is not it. After installing the IKEA light, we discovered that it wouldn't work. I was bummed. A few days later, I was going through a closet and found this light that I purchased a bout 3 years ago and just never put up anywhere. Better late than never!


A book? That's right. When I was your age, television was called books! And this is a special book.

Well, IKEA is now open here, and I just got this new bookshelf for my office.

I like it. The best part is that there are enclosed cabinets, so I can hide my junk, rather than have it sit out in a pile.

Also, check my tank site--I just bought a fish.