We decided that Saturdays would be family activity days this year. We have had passes to go ice skating for the past 9 months and we decided to finally use them today. Nate stayed home with Hazel and I took the other three kids. We had such a good time; Isaac was learning to spin and Aspen made some new friends there (she makes new friends everywhere we go), and Toby was speeding around the rink. We watched the zamboni clean the ice and excitedly got back on the rink for some more fun. But 3 minutes later I saw Toby on the other side of the rink, crying. So I sped over to him to find him holding part of his front tooth in his hands. He had fallen and broken off part of his front top tooth.

Anyway, to make the story short, we left and called the dentist, (who was out of town, so we had to call the back up emergency dentist) and Toby had his tooth temporarily fixed. Then we had ice cream (which heals all wounds
and bought me the rights to publish these photographs). Next week we'll go back to our regular dentist to see about a more permanent and normal looking solution. But Toby was brave and now has a good story to tell. Just not the ending that I had hoped for today.