Things have been super busy. Finally am feeling better after last week's strep/tonsillitis/cellulitis. Saw the doctor again yesterday and he gave me the all clear. Isaac and Aspen both got some stomach bug the last couple days. So they missed school, but still had to finish all their homework and go after school to take their finals. Lovely thing to do when you're sick, but had to be done.
Our other busyness has been trying to get my car ready for a 3000 mile road trip. New tires, check. Oil changed, check. Then the alternator died, which killed the battery. Took them in to be repaired. Decided to rebuild the alternator to save money. Finally got the car back. Two days later, the alternator is broken again, on a Friday night. Of course mechanics don't work on weekends. Took the car back in on Monday, they fixed it again. Got it back late Monday night. We were getting ready to leave today. The alternator is STILL broken. Good thing we hadn't left yet.

I should have just paid the extra $100 for the new alternator in stead of the rebuild. It's probably not going to be done until late tomorrow. So instead of leaving Wednesday morning for Utah, we won't be leaving until Friday I think. I guess we'll just live it up at home for the first part of our vacation. I already told the schools that we would be gone, and church and work. So it looks like we'll be hiding out until the car is fixed. It's a good thing we weren't on a strict schedule. But, still, I wish cars didn't have so many problems.
So, my family in Utah...we won't be there on Thursday. We'll keep you posted.