
Top 10 Things We Will Miss About Texas . . .

10. Mangos
9. The new movie theater they are building 2 miles from our house.
8. Annual Crawfish boils???--hopefully we will be able to get them in Kansas
7. Annual trips to South Padre (OK, we may end up still doing these, but it still makes the list)
6. HEB
5. Central Market (Yes, technically owned by HEB, but it is different; gelato, 23 kinds of apples, Hazel cheese, Valrhona, etc.)
4. Rudy's--The Worst BBQ in Texas (Extra moist, half a hottie . . .)
3. Chuys Fine Tex-Mex--Creamy Jalepeno, Elvis' Birthday, Hatch Green Chili Festival
2. Jake and Amy--I know, we suck
1. Friends--School night, late night movie friends; cooking friends; live down the street friends; camping friends; white elephant party friends; bootcamp friends; cousins in San Antonio; church friends; school friends; work friends

We're moving to lawrence, kansas.