For dinner the other night we had a "fend-for-yourself" night ( which just means that whatever is in the pantry or fridge, that's what we're having). So Isaac asks: "Is this rottweiler already cooked?" I, of course, wondered, "What????" He was holding a bratwurst.
Isaac came home from school telling me he had an earworm. He got it from his music teacher. Can anyone guess what he was talking about? (I'd never heard of this before.)
Nate and I celebrated our 12th anniversary on Friday (yea, 12! can you believe it?!) So Nate took me to a really nice dinner at the Driskell Hotel and then afterwards, we went to hear the Funk Brothers play. If you aren't familiar with them I know that you are familiar with all the #1 hits they played for famous names like Smokey Robinson, the Temptations, Stevie Wonder, etc. They were the magic behind all those great motown hits in the 70's. Anyway, it was a ton of fun. We were on the second row and it was a small theater. Then a special treat when out of the audience came Buddy Miles. He was a great drummer in the 70's. He had his own band and also played drums for Jimi Hendrix. He is also the voice singing I Heard it Through the Grapevine in the California Raisins commercial in the 80's. All in all, it was a spectacular show.
Black pinstriping, or no black pinstriping? Another option (not pictured here) would be red pinstriping. Which do you think looks better? (Yes, I spray-painted my computer.)