
Poll--Fakest Movie Scene Ever?

As I was driving today, for no reason in particular, I was thinking about movies. A question came to mind--what is the fakest, most unbelievable scene in a movie, ever? It has to be a generally OK movie otherwise. The death star transforming into a big vacuum in Spaceballs doesn't count. Also, Tremors doesn't count, because that could really happen.

Here are the three I came up with, in order.

3. Batman Begins--they have this weapon which vaporizes water like a mile away, but doesn't turn your legs into dust when you walk in front of it. Maybe they had special pants.

2. Startrek Generations--They launch this missle into the sun. It takes like 10 seconds to hit the sun, and you can see it for the first 7. It took 7 seconds to get out of sight, then 3 seconds later, you see the sun blow up. Wow, that sun must have been really, really, really, really close. I have no problem with the time travel, Vulcan mind melds, Spock coming back to life, or talking whales, but THAT was fake.

1. Speed--Going uphill, the bus jumps 100 feet to clear the missing section of freeway. Any questions?

There have to be some other good ones out there. Give me (NATE) your thoughts.


I'm so glad when grandpa comes

We're so glad that Grandpa could come to watch Aspen and Isaac last week. Fortunately Toby was able to come home early. And Toby and Hazel got some Grandpa time too.


Home again, home again Jiggitty Jig

The doctor let us come home early! Toby did so well. The nurses said Toby was a perfect patient. He has done everything they've asked and is recovering nicely. Toby missed Aspen and Isaac and we are all glad to be home. Thanks for all your prayers on Toby's behalf.