She and Toby have been best friends their whole lives.
She has grown a lot the last year. She is a whole head taller than Toby! (see here)
Aspen makes friends with everyone, everywhere.
She is a great big sister. Also a great babysitter.
Aspen loves to dress up. When she was little she wore her dress ups everyday, all day. She is great at pretend. When she was little she would play with whatever was on hand. If there wasn't anything, she'd play with her fingers! She still lies in bed after lights out and plays with stuff. I find it under her pillow the next day.
Aspen is really good at crafts. I hear "Mom, are there any crafts I can do?" a lot. She comes up with a lot of ideas on her own too. She is learning to sew too. She is very creative. She shares with her friends a lot too and teaches them how to do stuff.
She likes to write. She started a writing club at school. She also got a typewriter for her birthday.
Aspen likes to sing and draw and color.
She is going to start the flute in band next year.
She likes to cook and makes great pumpkin cookies (she had a cooking club with her friends for a while.)
Aspen doesn't like to fuss with her hair much. So she grows it out and cuts it off every couple years.
Aspen likes to do things for other people and makes everyone around her happy.
Aspen is a peacemaker and stands up for the right.