
here's toby

Toby is my first born. He's almost 13. Here are a few tidbits about him:

He's a good looking kid. He seems to look good in all his pictures.

When Toby was a baby, we lived in Chicago. When people would see him for the first time they called him the Gerber Baby and told me to get him into modeling. (If Toby knew that and I had actually done it, he would be very embarrassed. He doesn't like being the center of attention.) But I didn't want to deal with the time committment.

Toby loves to read. He reads quickly. He will read the same book 3 or 4 times in a row. Then if there isn't anything else to read, he'll read it again. He read all of the then available Harry Potter books(5) by the time he was 7 1/2. He loves non-fiction, spy novels, fantasy, science fiction, and, of course, anything with bodily function humor (typical of preteen boys). Actually, he will read anything available. He takes a book with him everywhere.

Toby hates to get dirty. He uses two fingers to scrub the floor or dishes. He can play outside in the dirt without getting any dirt on him. But...when we are at the beach he puts sand all over himself. He says it feels good.

Toby has two pet birds, Mango (pictured) and Banana.

Toby makes great faces. Especially in pictures.

Toby plays the french horn, the trumpet and the piano. He is good at them all. He is also very skilled in horn repair according to his teacher.

Toby loves to cook and likes most foods. (Although we've had to push on some foods, but he ends up liking them.)

Toby is a good artist. He really likes to draw dragons and mythical creatures.

He is a creative poet. I'll have to round up his poetry and post it sometime.

He likes to be scary. He dressed up as a vampire one year and went around scaring all the little kids at the ward party. Vickie couldn't keep this picture on thr front of her fridge - it scared the other grandchildren.

He is missing 4 ribs (very rare). But he never lets it stop him.

He is a good big brother.

He is very silly and loves to crack jokes, especially puns and plays on words.

He gives me loves everyday and tells me he loves me. And we love him.


  1. Half of those comments it sounded like you were describing Kyle,... :) but he's really in a class all his own it sounds like. a really well rounded highly intelligent cousin of mine. I suspect the reason why he doesn't mind putting sand all over himself at the beach is because he knows he can just go in the ocean and wash it all off whenever he wants. :) One of the reasons I don't mind getting sand on me at the beach.

  2. Betsy I love the pix you have been posting lately. Did you take the first on of Toby? If so tell me your secrets!

  3. Step one to taking good photos: convince your husband to buy a really nice camera.

  4. there is definitely a big difference in the quality of camera, but more importantly the quality of the lens. Also it helps to have a cute son like mine. (Really most of the 75 photos i took of toby were great. I just didn't want ya'll to get bored looking at them. I'm also a bit biased.)

    Tip 1 use natural light whenever possible. I rarely use my flash.
    Tip 2 get up close
    Tip 3 just talk to the subject about anything so that their personality will show through.
    tip 4 Also use a large aperature to let in all available light(I go as big as the lens will allow) In really low light that means it takes longer to take the picture so you might get blur with an unsteady hand or restless kids.


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