
Life's short -- read the ending first.

Toby claimed to be beyond Harry Potter. So when I bought the book last weekend, he said he didn't want to read it. Well I left it on the couch and it stayed there for a couple days. The next thing I know, Nate found him early monday morning, reading the last chapter. Toby says he wanted to see if it was worth reading. So now he is halfway through book 6. (However he hasn't finished book 5. He read them all in the second grade and didn't finish because he got scared. But he doesn't want to finish book 5 because he is beyond Harry Potter now.) That is why he is halfway through book 6. Aspen is upset that Toby read the ending first... she likes things done in the right order. I personally wouldn't read the ending first. But Toby doesn't like surprises...he likes to know what to expect. Besides, who says there is a right or wrong way to read a book!


  1. I finally finished Harry Potter on Saturday. I really quite liked it but it was a bit boring in the beginning.

  2. I finished it last Wednesday. I thought it was a quick read compared to the last one.

    While I wasn't surprised at the ending, I did find it very intrigueing and thought-provoking.

    Too bad we have to wait for 2 years for the last book... and it better be a tank (1000+ pages).


  3. i think toby gets that from mom. She is always reading the ending first and it drives me crazy. One of the best things about reading a book is not knowing the ending until you actually get to the end. Tell aspen that i can sympathize.

  4. i can see where toby is coming from... normally i read the last chapter and then start the book.. but with Harry Potter #6, i couldn't spoil.. i restrained myself and read it front cover to back

  5. maybe that's a clayton thing - my mom reads the ending first too. but i LOVED HP 6 - i even took ara and ella with me to pick it up at midnight. i liked that it had so much dumbledore in it - and i can't wait for #7.

  6. You are all right, I do sometimes read the ending first but this time I did not. I think that I will reread all of the books to get the continuity better but I really liked the 6th book, it was better than the 5th. Good reading to all of those who are still waiting to read it.

  7. well sometimes i will read the ending first just to see if i want to read it. but with harry potter i made sure i did not know anything i would not let anyone tell me anything. but sometimes you need to know if it is worth reading or that you will like the ending.


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