
The tip of the iceberg.

For my birthday, Betsy got me a 90 gallon aquarium. I have been talking about getting a fishtank for a few years now, so she bought me the tank. I am officially coining a new phrase to describe projects such as my new fishtank: "tip of the iceberg projects." A tip of the iceberg project is a project where you buy something because it is a good deal to start the project, and everything quickly escalates and gets out of control. I haven't spent more than the tank cost yet, but it will probably only take one more trip to Home Depot before the tank is no longer the most expensive part of the project, and we haven't even added water. I have decided to do a saltwater tank, so you can expect updates for the next couple of years.

Here is the stand that I am in the process of building. I honestly think that this thing could support my car.


  1. We had a salt water tank in the principal's office of my last school. You can definately get cooler things to put in it. My principal had this cool brittle starfish that always stayed hidden until it was feeding time. Once you dropped in the brine shrimp it would come crawling out at snag the shrimp with its tentacles. It was really neat to watch. The only problem was that sometimes the power would go out and the filter would drain a gallon of salt water onto the floor.

  2. I am aware of the "gallon of water on the floor problem" and will set mine up so that this is not a problem.


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