
Blackberry Pickin'

We have a new Fourth of July weekend tradition: picking blackberries. We returned to Sweet Berry Farms to pick some of the biggest and juiciest and sweetest blackberries ever! Everyone got stuck by the thorns, juice stains on our hands (especially Hazel who just sat in the wagon eating and squishing berries). Toby, Aspen and Isaac kept busy catching grasshoppers and feeding them to the giant spiders among the canes. I'm glad that we went early: it got hot fast. And there were a lot of people there to pick berries. But now we have a year's supply of berries to eat, to use for jam, jelly, and especially to make berry ice cream!


  1. Looks yummy. Next week I am going to go huckleberry hunting if Erika and her kids want to go. I have gotten my kids all pumped for it. They are suppose to be really good and they are right up the highway from our new house. -Amy

  2. We used to pick elderberries up in the mountains outside Provo in the fall. They were really good on vanilla ice cream.

  3. And then do you read "Blueberries for Sal" afterwards - maybe changing all the words blueberries for blackberries to really add some immediacy?

  4. That is a great idea. I don't have that book yet. Good way to spend my birthday B&N giftcard!

  5. we LOVE blueberries for sal - and it's sequel - one morning in maine.

    and i like the blackberry tradition.

    unfortunately we have nothing like that near us.

    enjoy the jam.

    and love the new template!

  6. I remember those from when we were kids. Is One Morning in Maine the one about the clam chowder?

  7. it's the one where she loses her tooth and they go into town for ice cream.


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