
Growling turtles and toads playing 'possum

While driving home from school today we found this very large turtle crossing the road. We stopped to watch it, but another car was coming. So we brought the turtle home with us! We set it outside in the grass by the back door to wait for it to come back out of it's shell; and then left the back door open. Soon, I had to go pick up Toby. Apparently turtles can be very scary! When I came back 5 minutes later, the kids related how the turtle had climbed the step and come into the house. When they tried to move it back outside, it growled. (I didn't know turtles growled! I heard it too!) Anyway, when we were done playing with it, we took it out to the pond behind our house.
Then----while we were on the edge of the pond we found these:

mini toads!

They were smaller than Aspen's fingernail! We caught about 10 of them in just a couple minutes. They would roll over and play dead! I learned a lot today about toads and turtles. Who'd have known?


  1. The story of the growling turtle reminds me of the barking turkey we had (for dinner) in Bulgaria.

  2. I always figured the turkey was speaking in a Bulgarian dialect, but that doesn't speak to the turtle......

  3. I don't think I've ever seen a turtle that big before.

  4. Holy turtle! How fun.

  5. betsy i quoted your turlte blog at a baby shower the other night. someone asked me how i knew turtles barked - i said, my cousin blogged about it - they kind of gave me a blank look.

    i guess they don't understand the power of the blog.


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