
Happy Halloween

Here's some pics from last night. BLogger wasn't working so I am trying a new photo share thing. The kids had a great time. They went trick or treating and got way too much candy. They were so tired when they got home, they were asking to go to bed! Hazel and I stayed home to hand out candy. Unfortunately, the makeup didn't come off so easily...the kids still had a little black around the eyes, in the eyebrows, etc this morning. Oh, well. It's all good.


  1. WAY COOL! Poor Hazel. Did you put the makeup on while she was watching? She doesn't look too traumatized....

  2. My blogger issues even prevent me from commenting on the blogs that have word verification - I have to go to Internet Explorer to post and comment. It's a pain - since I'm usually on Mozilla.

  3. i can't see anything!

  4. maybe the government is blocking access to the slide show. Sorry.


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