When Toby was a little boy he put the s from the beginning of a word on the end of the word. So snow was nows and snowman was nowmans. Hazel does the same thing now. She loved the snow never got cold or tired of playing outside. (I did though so we had to go in when it got dark or was lunch time)
Hannah and Aspen had a lot of fun going doing the hill in Jeremy and Robin's yard. (I think Hannah is worried about hitting me as she goes down the hill). The front of their sled went under the fence a few times. Finally I told them to bail out of the sled before they actually went over the edge into the canal. They thought that was fun too.Hazel really did like to go sledding. She just doesn't want to cooperate with the picture taking mom. Toby's first time for a snow angel. Because we only had one sled for 10 children, we doubled and tripled up on the sled for rides at the park. Garrett, as well as all the others, wanted to go every time.
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