
I licked it, that piece is mine.

She actually licked it in a couple of places - it is her cake I guess.
I baked the cake last night and left it on the counter to cool.
I forgot about the dog that loves to eat food off the counter.
I had to cut off the dog-nibbled part. I was left with 1 and 3/4 rounds to make a cake.
I couldn't figure out how to fix it. Then.....a hah!!! I had an angel food cake in the pantry. So I cut a piece to complete the other round so that I could decorate Hazel's birthday cake. (That is the white part of the cake you see above and below.)
Hazel found this present first. This is what she said: "Wow! Wow! Wow!"
(She loves blocks and abc's-there were alphabet blocks in the bag.)
So to make Hazel's party a little more festive, I bought blowers and balloons, figuring they would be age appropriate for Hazel and she would enjoy playing some games. She did like making lots of noise with the blowers...

But the older kids had way too much fun with the balloons, and the blowers. You would think they never had balloons before! I'm glad that my age appropriate party games entertained somebody.

On a side note, I just picked up that dress for Aspen at Target yesterday. It was too cute to pass up.

1 comment:

  1. I love target. I could spend so much money money there. They have very cute clothes. I love the dress.
    It looks like Hazel had a very fun birthday. Happy birthday!!!


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