
Lunar Eclipse

There was a total lunar eclipse this morning. It started at 3 am. I wasn't about to get up that early. But it was just barely coming out of the full eclipse at 6:30 this morning. It is pretty cool to watch. The next one visible for us won't be until feb 21st. I'm sure you can tell which photo is mine:)


  1. glad that you were able to see the eclipse. It looks great.

  2. I was going to look this morning, but forgot. dang it! oh, well. maybe next time it won't be right when I am getting kids ready for school.

  3. we got up around 5:30 and looked for it but we didn't see anything.

  4. When I woke up this morning Vickie was already dressed. I made a comment and she said she was dressed because SHE got up twice during the night to look at it, one at 1:50, and again at 3:00 (Pacific time) and she wasn't going outside in her pajamas.....

  5. i can't believe i didn't know about this - i was up at 4 this morning with a certain little person who'd had a bad dream.


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