
Projects galore!

I love charts and lists. I make a lot of them, usually by hand and not on the computer. I also love projects. I accumulate projects faster than I can finish them. So I finally wrote them all down, chart style, and told myself I couldn't get any new ones until the 111 (really, I'm not exaggerating) projects I have already started get done. So here's my chart:

I get a sticker when I finish a project!!! Here's the first few completed projects.

Project #1:

RS Enrichment night activity. I didn't get the "i" in positive on my decal sheet. I'll have to figure out something. But the meaning is still there.

Project #2
I love seasonal pj's. I found this great halloween camo fabric and made the boys PJ's. The girls and I got different ones. I think the girls pj's are in the bottom of the laundry. So no photo.
Project #3

I made Hazel an art smock/apron. She uses it to hold her toys and as a bib (definitely keeps her clothes clean!). She loves it.

Project #4
Nate deserves most of the credit for this project. I bought the supplies, he installed my shelves. I now have my own little work area! I still need to hang the art, bulletin boards, and calendar.
Project #5

There is another round of babies being born in my ward, so I made up a dozen burpcloths to give as gifts.


  1. love the chart, i'm interested to read what projects you get done yet. I clicked on the chart picture to read the rest of your projects and have decided that the whole first row should read as follows: paint house. Much simplier and sums up the painting tasks nicely.

  2. ANOTHER LIST?!?! You're on your way now. Good luck and keep us up to date on your progress.

  3. Listing them is half the job. I have time now to do MY projects but they are somewhere over the Atlantic (or hopefully, the Pacific). I am sure that when they come I will have a job so that will put an end to the time I would have to finish them. Maybe I will just throw them out. However, good luck with yours. The completed ones look really cool.

  4. I listed them all separately so that I would have something to cross off. Otherwise, I'd have to wait until the whole house was painted to feel like I got anything accomplished.

  5. I soooo need to make a chart like that. I am sure I would have 111 items or more I could list on it. Half of my items would also come from unfinished or unattempted sewing projects. Although, I am unsure if a chart would be motivating or depressing.

  6. you should contact the person who was in charge of the vinyl lettering. To print you out an "i" would be no big deal at all.
    Fun projects, mine all seem garden related lately.

  7. Is #4 in your office? It looks great.

  8. I like your shelves, we bought the same ones in black. You have been very busy!

    I got stuck with being in charge of the vinyl sayings this year. And they wanted them on tile. They are cute but so not me.

  9. if you weren't a sewin'-kinda-gal, and didn't scrapbook/album your project list would nearly cease to exist.

    but you are, so it does. still, i think it's great to chunk them into do-able "cross-offable" tasks. Just look at how many you've done since you posted this!

    you're super-girl! ♥


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