
The Best Husband in the World

A few reasons why I have the best husband in the world:
  • Nate cleaned up the kitchen and living room for me last night while I was at the RS broadcast. He even vacuumed the floors and did all the dishes (including the ones that wouldn't fit or couldn't go in the dishwasher!)
  • Nate didn't complain when I called after the broadcast to let him know I was going out with for dessert with my friends.
  • Nate didn't even complain when we ended up not getting home until midnight. (The wait at the Cheesecake factory was over an hour!)
  • Nate watched the kids all afternoon while I took a nap because I was so tired from staying out all night.
  • Nate brought me flowers for no reason last week:)


  1. Way to go Nate!

    P.S. Maybe you should teach my man some of those nice moves. : )

  2. Sounds like a keeper. It also sounds a little bit like my RS broadcast experience.


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