
On being a responsible Texan parent

I dragged my kids out to do the annual bluebonnet photo shoot. It was a bit harder this year because of the drought - not so many bluebonnets to find that weren't on the side of the highway. But there are millions of prairie primrose (I still need to take pictures in those) and lots of blackeyed susans. Anyway, my kids complained a lot but did it anyway. I think I've been taking these pictures for 10 years. Maybe I'll get them out in the pink flowers this weekend. I'll have to post the rest later. blogger is acting up.


  1. I always love these pictures.

  2. Abigail told me the other day "mommy, we can just take the pictures in the pink flowers OK?". I hear Old Settler's park is a good location, thank goodness...couldn't see crossing any major road way just to get some pictures. You took on of our first "family" photo behind the church here in Taylor, it's still on my wall. Thanks M

  3. I can't believe how much your kids have changed since Christmas. ( I am really having a hard time with this getting old stuff.)


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