
When pigs fly

By now I'm sure you've all heard about the swine flu going around, right? Well, here in Texas, it's getting everyone in an uproar worrying about it. In our school district, even though there haven't been any document/reported cases, they have cancelled all publicly attended school activities. They've restricted visits to the school by anyone not a teacher, student, or staff to the office, foyer, and cafeterias. And if you do visit, you'll be required to use hand sanitizer before entering. (Needless to say, the shelves at the store are empty of any hand sanitizer.) Aspen's band competition was cancelled, as are all assemblies, award ceremonies, PTO meetings, and school carnivals.

According to someone I was talking to today, the governor has pardoned all schools that have already had to close - which means they won't have to make up the missed days.

The kids just finished their TAKS tests, so there's really no reason to hang around. I let Isaac stay home today. We woke up late and he was going to be tardy anyway. The school has already sent me hate mail for his numerous tardies (18 - oops) over the past year. (7:30 am is way too early for school to start for elementary school in my opinion.) But he's still got lots of absent days left, so I let him stay home to "recover" from two days of testing.

We're in the home stretch school-wise. I've been counting down the days since before spring break. I can't wait for everyone to be home with me. I miss them. And I hate waking up early and then doing bedtime at night. So I'm crossing my fingers that school will be over sooner, rather than later. Cross your fingers too!

So my suggestion is to just cancel school for everyone in all schools in Texas. Think they'll go for that?


  1. Betsy, (even though I'm not in Texas) I agree with your suggestion! It's honestly the smartest thing to do. : )

  2. I'm wondering if they will do that here.

    But I'm sure they'd make us make them up - I don't want to be in school at the end of June!!

    I'm out anyway with my knees, but the reports from my school indicate not much has changed.

  3. We're canceled for the week next week, so my kids are already planning our "Swine flu" vacation!

  4. i agree - 7:30 is WAY too early.

    and we've gotten lots of hate mail for tardies from our school as well.

    i wish they'd do a longer school day and a shorter school year. have them go 8:30 to 4 - have no HW - (projects are ok) and do the flex schedule:

    school starts in mid september, off 1-2 weeks in late october/early november, off 2 weeks for christmas, 2 weeks for spring and end at the end of june.

  5. Two schools out here are closed because there is one confirmed case in each school.

    I'd love a break from school right now, as long as we didn't have to make the days up. They've already extended our school year by a day for a missed snow day. (They plan two and we needed three.)


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