

Isaac is in heaven here visiting Jacob and Amy's house. He has talked about coming here for months. The thing he looked forward to most is driving stuff - anything with wheels and an engine.
Jacob Jacob got the old lawn tractor going for Isaac to ride. It only goes like 3 mph, but Isaac just wanted to drive something... anything.
Everyone took turns driving on the nearly 2 mile track Jacob made out back.
Aspen and Mckay have had a great time together.

Toby, Isaac, Kirsten


  1. nice. love it. I definitely understand the appeal of the 4-wheelers. I had so much fun when I was there in March/April (can't remember which at the moment).

  2. Idaho - where you can drive at 14 - right?

    I can see the appeal!

  3. Almost right, it's 15. They can get there learner's permit a couple of months before they turn 15 though. It's scary how close it comes.

  4. Guys ... thanks for coming ... it was great having you here. You are welcome to come and drive my stuff anytime ... maybe next year we will add a mud bog to the youth track.


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