
Schizophrenic weather

Texas weather can't decide if it's fall or summer still.  Today it was over 90 degrees.  But last weekend it was fall - 50 degree weather, rain, and coziness.  We got out the sweaters and slippers.  At church everyone was wearing corduroy, tights, boots, and jackets.  And we built a fire in our fireplace and sipped hot chocolate.  It was so nice.  Maybe it will get that way again before January.  You never know here.


  1. We have the same problem here in SoCal - rainy and cold for 3 days - and now it's in the 90's again!!

    It's tough to know what to wear - because it is still chilly in the a.m.

  2. That is a great pic of Hazel. She is so cute!


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