
White bread

For the most part, I usually only buy wheat bread. 100% whole wheat bread. The coarser the better (for me anyway. It's not neccesarily a shared opinion in our house...but I'm the one doing the shopping:) so I get to pick.)

Last week, when I went to the grocery store, I bought some deli ham, and ended up with a loaf of cheap, store brand, white bread, a bag of store brand potato chips, american cheese, and something else that I can't remember right now. (Our grocery store does these "meal deals". Basically, buy this one product, get these five other products free. And white bread was one of the free items.) Usually, I don't do the meal deals because they are usually things we don't eat. But the ham was actually something on my list, and occasionally I get chips. Everything else was just extra and I figured, "oh well".

When I brought it home, you would have thought I was giving sugared cereal to kids that never get it. Aspen, especially, was in heaven. So the whole loaf is just about gone. They've used every excuse to eat it.

And I think Isaac might eat all the american cheese.

At least it didn't go to waste.


  1. Oh yeah, the occasional white bread is a HUGE event in our house! As is sugar cereal!

  2. We thought white bread was like cake or something when I was a kid growing up!

  3. I did that same meal deal. We never eat white bread either but I made french toast and we finally ate it lol.

  4. White bread, the toaster and real butter. That was heaven when we went to stay at Grandma and Grandpa Clayton's.


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