
Fried Food Capital or The Texas State Fair

One of my favorite times of the year is fair season. And the Texas State Fair is fabulous! (At least I think so, my family might have a different opinion. But I dragged them along anyway.) Big Tex welcomed us right in. (He talks! and he gets new clothes and boots each year too!)

The Texas State Fair is called the Fried Food Capital of Texas; and they really embrace this title. Each year there are winners for the best tasting and most creative fried foods. And really, you can find almost anything fried. So Nate tried a bunch of them. (I actually had no appetite the entire day...I get really grossed out by fried anything. Even french fries are pushing my limits these days.) But Nate was game.

So he tried Fried Twinkies,

and Fried Peach Cobbler, and Fried Fritos Pie (this year's Best Tasting winner), Fried Butter (last year's most creative winner), and a couple others that I didn't get pictures of. There was also Fried Beer (this year's Most Creative winner), and Fried Margaritas, fried watermelon, fried green tomatoes, as well as all the other normal Texas fair fried fare: turkey legs, funnel cakes, corn dogs (a Texas original from many years ago), fried Snickers, fried Oreos, fried chicken, fried everything!

In one of the food buildings there was a demonstration for a vita mix blender. The man was making habanero pepper smoothies. Nate tried that as well. Very hot!

This sculpture of football players is made entirely of butter! Crazy! (Refrigerated of course.)

And of course we petted lots of animals,

Saw the Amazing Dobermans,

and the birds of the World presentation.

A visit to the fair wouldn't be complete without a ride on the Texas Star. (The tallest amusment park ride in North America.)

The kids tried out a couple other rides as well. But since everything cost lots of $tickets$ we didn't do them all.

I loved the fair. I missed the livestock barns and the parade and the light show. And there was the car show and the music concerts too. Next time...


  1. I'm not a fair fan at all - but I think I would have liked it as a kid. Looks like fun!

  2. Umm -- you should post something new. Not that I don't love your trip to the fair (it looked like a lot of fun) but because every time I go to your blog I start craving deep fried twinkies!


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