
Family Home Evening #1

Family Home Evening this week was a little spur of the moment. (I am determined to be better at this counsel from our prophets, and I didn't want to skip week 1!) So we had a lesson from the Friend magazine about going to the temple (even if you aren't a grown up) and sang some songs (teenagers aren't big on singing so this is a little bit of work in our family) and then we roasted marshmallows and made s'mores.
I found these:

They are new. So I had to try them. They are HUGE! One will fill you up!

That is just a little slice of one marshmallow. It takes up the whole square!

So we are off to a good start!


  1. Hmm - I need to look for these!

  2. Wow, they didn't look that big in the beginning. Good luck on Week one, we started off good too!


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