
Zoom, Zoom

I started this post last week...before Nate's accident.  But I am posting it anyway.

New job, new title, this calls for a new car!

My car officially died this week, on the way home from San Antonio in fact.  Barely made it to the garage.  So we traded it in and Nate picked out this:

It's even his favorite color.

Since I lost my car, Nate gave me his.  Woohoo:(  (Insert sarcasm here)

But I am glad for him. Unfortunately, it doesn't seat the whole family. So I guess for a while we will be going everywhere together in two cars.

1 comment:

  1. Harry bought a car - an Acura - years ago - and we couldn't all fit in it. I was put out with him over that for a very long time - like until we got rid of it!!


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