
It's over

Summer ended today...school started. Aspen and Isaac were both so excited to start school. Aspen has had her first day outfit out and her bag packed for 2 weeks! Toby won't start for another 10 days or so because of the surgery. So today is a quiet day at home for me! I love ahving the kids home for summer, but then I love having them go back. I wish we had year round school so we could do this little cycle more often. For now, I'm glad to get back to a routine and a little mom time alone.


  1. Yeah, Aspen and Isaac had those backpacks out every day while I was there, and when we went into any store with backpacks, we had to "compare". Naw, they weren't excited......

  2. Olivia's pretty excited too. Her backpack is hanging on her bedroom doorknob and she gives us an update of how many days 'til she starts kindergarten. Fifteen days and counting.

  3. Year round school is great. Jeff reminded me that's another reason we start so early in August. The YR schools are lottery picked and somehow we got lucky on the first draw. Now that Jeremy is in Brenden will automatically get in next year:)

  4. No year round school in Texas. We just start early.


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