
A silver Lining

So the past few days have been kind of a wash. Hazel has been sick with a cold and a little cranky. She is feeling better though. But I was thinking that the nice thing about this little cough/cold that she has had is that her voice is a lot quieter. And that is nice when she is throwing a tantrum: the screaming is a bit easier on the ears. Kind of sad, I know, but you've got to take the good where is comes. (She is better. She didn't want anything to eat when she was really sick. So wanting a cookie was a good sign. Just not before dinner.) For Erika: This is the original of the above photo.


  1. What a beautiful picture! Tell me what settings you used on your camera, tell me your secret, it really is an exceptional picture!

  2. Actually, the photograph is a little doctored. I took it with my point and shoot on regualar mode. She was next to a window. Then I changed it to black and white, silhouetted Hazel and darkened the background. I'll post the original. Photoshop is my friend.

  3. I'm learning to use paint shop. I'm having some fun too.

  4. That is so cool Betsy! Hey, while I am thinking of it, could you send me a CD of all the pix you took this summer in Utah. Thanks

  5. that first pic is very very nice.

  6. ditto on your skills.

  7. Guys dig chicks with skills! Especially skills like Photoshop skills :-)

  8. very nice.

    one day i'll learn to use photoshop


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