
A Prickly Situation

Hazel had an unfortunate encounter with a prickly pear cactus today. Poor girl had two handfuls of tiny spines. She kept trying to wipe them off on her shirt and would cry at the sting. They were too small to pull with a tweezer and too many, too close together to get with my fingers. So, like a kindergartener with her own tube, I smeared her hands with Elmer's glue, let it dry, and pulled out the spines when I pulled off the dried glue. Still, it took two times of that treatment and I'm sure I missed a couple. But the "owies" are all better now.


  1. If you click on the picture you can get a better idea of how many were on her hands.

  2. I did that as a kid. I picked up one because I thought it was a turtle. Couldn't figure it out. :)

  3. Brilliant! I would have never thought of that solution Betsy! Mom of the Year!

  4. oops, I forgot I was logged in as my daughter. (
    This is Julia)

  5. You are so clever! I never would have thought of that sticky little remedy.

  6. you are so clever, i would have just seared her hands with a hot iron!

  7. i can't take all the credit for the glue idea. I read it in a magazine somewhere. but it was a lifesaver. You never know when all that trivia you read might come in handy.

  8. I've used duct tape to pull stubborn slivers out of Olivia's feet. It works pretty well too.

  9. Carter stepped on a cactus, in flip flop sandals, last week when we were in St. George. The spines that got stuck in his foot were large, but easy to pull out. He cried for a minute and went right back to running around in the cactus in Dave's parents' front yard. He just never seems to learn.

  10. That's a great idea - I will have to file it in my memory bank. The duct tape sounds good too!


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