
Is this normal?

I love Aspen. Yesterday a new Aspen showed up at our house.
  • The new Aspen cleared the table, emptied the dishwasher, rinsed the dishes and loaded them into the dishwasher, all without being asked.
  • The new Aspen folded laundry without being asked.
  • This new Aspen also made the school lunches for herself and her brothers without being asked.
I'm not complaining, mind you, just wondering if this is normal behavior for a 10 year old girl.


  1. That Aspen should come around more often! Sounds like she's a great girl. So is the other Aspen if you ask me.

  2. wow... im trying to remember if i did that for mom.. sad thing is that i don't think i did. way to go aspen!

  3. Can the "new" Aspen teach my "old" Jake any of these lessons?

  4. 10 year olds are great. You all were that good at 10. For some reason it is an age of knowing what to do and wanting to do it. The older you get, you know what to do but don't want to do it.

  5. yeah hannah never wanted to do that stuff. where as I, the best child, did it all the time :)


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