
Heard at the dinner table...

We are planning some international travel in the coming year so we were talking about getting passports. We explained to the kids about having passports to show who you are and getting visas, as permission or a license, to go to different countries.
Isaac: So you would need a passport to go to Iraq?
Nate: Yes, most definitely.
Isaac: How about Kentucky?
(It is a "foreign" country to most.)


  1. Where are you planning on going? Who all is going?

  2. We are excited for you all to be coming. It will be fun. Bolivia is a great place.

  3. we are planning to go to bolivia for christmas. We are also going to canada this summer. So we need passports for the kids.

  4. I have to ask why Bolivia? I would also start now, it took the maximum amount of time for us to get ours last year...and that was with Jamie calling to figure how why his was posting as recieved and mine wasn't.

  5. So the question for me is, does Isaac want to go to Iraq and Kentucky? Interesting.


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