
Honor Roll

Today is the last day of school for us. Only Aspen went to school though. She wanted to be with her friends. Toby saw no reason to go to school (and I agreed; the teachers have been just giving puzzles and games for the last 4 or 5 school days). Isaac wanted to stay home to play with Toby. Today they handed out awards and report cards.

Aspen got an award for having a piece in the district art show.

And Isaac got on the all A Honor Roll for the entire year!

(There is also a Mostly A - with only one B - Honor Roll.)

We are very excited for them!

I am also very glad that school is over. We can now go to our summer schedule of sleeping in to match our spring schedule of staying up later. Everyone will be much happier. After two days of 3 of my children home, however, I realize that I will need to keep them occupied so they don't drive each other, or me, up the wall. Still, I would rather have them home and a more relaxed schedule than the craziness of the school year.


  1. I am so proud of both of them. It is great that they like school so much. School is wonderful but so is summer. Enjoy!!!!!

  2. It is really frustrating to be a teacher for the last few days of school. They make you turn in all your books - and they close the library - and you have to turn your grades in when there are 5 days of school left!!

    It's not to just show movies!

    (I try to pick educational, enriching movies that go with our course of study over the year.)

    (and I always show Princess Bride too - and it's always a big hit!!)

  3. I agree with you about the schedules and having them home instead. Although I have grumpy kids now from staying up way too late. There was a bedtime reinstated (9:30).

    Good job Isaac! That is REALLY good! I also love your drawing.


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