
Ninja Game Player

We have a giant trunk full of dress up clothes. Sometimes it gets out of hand and I debate getting rid of most of it. But my kids still love dressing up. All of them. Here's Isaac (I love the white gloves, which used to belong to my mom.) Anyway, when I see this, I'm glad that I've kept all the dress ups.


  1. We planted cantalope once - they were small but tasty.

    I love cantalope!

  2. I guess I thought I was posting under the fruit!

    Issac looks very foreign and mysterious!

  3. Barbara and I used to have quite the collection of gloves. I sometimes wish I still lived in the time of hats and gloves, although I am known as the "Hat Lady" here in the Embassy and in Church. Just haven't tried the glove thing yet but maybe I will. I saw Canford (Donna taped it for me) and fell in love with the clothes and the hats. They might have been very uncomfortable and inconvenient but I sure do like them.


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