
Hiking Mckinney Roughs

We hiked in Mckinney Roughs State Natural Area yesterday. The weather was perfect and we were set to have a great time.
The hike got off to a rough start. Before we even got out of the parking lot, I fell with Hazel in the backpack. Hazel bonked her head and I scraped my knees and elbows. For the first time, we actually used the first aid kit that we always carry. And luckily the gatorades were still ice cold so we used them.We saw lots of animal tracks: deer, horse, raccoon, armadillo, even bobcat (looked to be a pretty big one too). We even saw this cute gnome left in a fallen log:
We hiked about 7 or 8 miles. When we got to the river, we spent some time skipping rocks. And chucking really big rocks.
Then, while I wasn't looking, Aspen threw a rock that hit me square on the head. I have a good goose-egg on my head now. After that, I couldn't take much more abuse (my knee was swollen and sore, especially after the 7 miles) so we headed back home. We meant to go at least 10 miles. Maybe some other time.

1 comment:

  1. this reminds me of when my roommate maria tried to teach me to skip rocks. The lesson ended in one really poorly aimed throw that hit her smack in the stomach. I think she's forgotten because I don't think she was ever going to forgive me for that one. What can I say,... i had all the technique,.. now if only my hands would let go when I told them to.


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