
Nate's Turn

  1. I get up at 5:00.
  2. I have a bust of Lenin on my bookshelf.
  3. I got my degree in English, and I almost never read classic literature or fiction. Instead I read lots of astronomy, chemistry, math, psychology, and self-help.  Also, I went on to get a degree in business.
  4. When I was little, I had an extra tooth—baby tooth, followed by an extra tooth, followed by a permanent tooth.
  5. I can speak Bulgarian.
  6. I hate inconsistencies in movies. It irritates me when movies do things that shouldn’t work, given whatever rules, etc., are in the movie. I have no problem with “the force”, hobbits, dragons, photon torpedoes, killer bunny rabbits, seeing dead people, being turned into a superhero by getting bitten by a radioactive spider or falling into a vat of toxic waste, etc. But when the Scarecrow’s henchmen walk directly in front of the powered-up water-vaporizing microwave emitter without getting fried—I have a problem with that. I am passionate about this. How does the Hulk have pants when he turns back into Bruce Banner? And don’t even get me started about Star Trek: Generations.
  7. Raisins on Cheerios

I tag: whoever hasn't been tagged already.


  1. along with inconsistency with movies, add in predictability - movies are so predictable these days. maybe because everything has been done before, i don't know. it's just i find that hardly any movies are worth paying to see any more.

    i didn't know you graduated in english. i thought you were a science major once upon a time?

  2. does this mean you eat raisins with milk and cheerios or just with dry cheerios? Both sound repulsive but one less so than the other.

  3. Cheerios with raisins and milk.

    Kind of like raisin bran, with Cheerios rather than bran flakes. You have to admit that Cheerios are better than bran flakes, and raising bran is OK, right?


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