
I spent my morning photographing this sweetheart:
There were lots of great shots, but this was my favorite.


  1. perfect. simply perfect :)

  2. I'm loving it as well. Its all about the sparkly eyes

  3. WOW = I didn't want to even look so I wouldn't spoil any sort of surprise...but I'm glad I did! I LOVE the tiny little baby fat rolls:-) Of course I love her eyes, that's one thing I can't get over = how something so precious came out of ME! YOU ROCK.

  4. Blogging help - you're the pro. (Love this pic BTW) how do you post the pics so big? I can't figure it out. Thanks!

  5. Kristin - after you post your picture (choose to post it large), click on the html tab above your post. look in the code where it says width =400 length = 267(or something) and delete those two terms. (Be sure to NOT delete the quotation marks after the last number though - leave those. Then a little bit after those numbers with be another set of nummbers with a term that says /s400.... change that 4 to an 8 so it says /s800... This works best if the body size of your blog is greater than about 825 pixels wide. You will need to go into the html template code of your blog to change that. If you need help with that, call me when you get home.

  6. Soooooooooooo sweet! You truly have a photography gift, talent, skill! My goal is to be more like Betsy! Teach me your ways wise one.

  7. P.S. how old is that cute baby?

  8. The baby is 7 months old...


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