
What I Did on My MiLK Day Holiday

Because of the long weekend, I debated going on a day trip with the kids, but never got around to actually doing it. Instead we had a long, lazy weekend at home. I feel very refreshed! Here's a peek at some of the excitement:
  • slept in till 10:30 am on saturday, 9:30 this morning! (haven't done that in YEARS!)
  • washed my windows, inside and out
  • cleaned out my pantry (now I can actually find food to make dinner)
  • did the treadmill
  • made cinnamon rolls (still making actually, can't wait)
  • kids played in the sand box (it's been awhile since it's been warm enough)
  • kids did their chores!!!
  • read a book, and finished it
  • watched a cheesey disney channel movie (some cinderella type movie)
  • posted a bunch of my stuff on craigslist (this has been on my to-do list for 6 months)
  • took pictures of my friend (they turned out really nice - mostly because she is beautiful) this is her below:
I'm also submitting this picture in this week's contest at i[heart]faces. Check out all the great pics there.

Hope that your MiLK Day was as fun, or at least as refreshing, as you hoped!


  1. That's a beautiful photo of your friend. Lovely light and colors!

  2. You are the best ever. Washing the windows was on my list, and now I can cross it off.

  3. Your friend's expression is so sweet. You seemed to capture her in a natural way. BTW, I LOVE your blog header.

  4. I should have you take our pictures. Yours always look so nice. James and I need all the help we can get!! :-)

  5. This really was a lovely capture of your friend...I'll bet she loved it!

    co-founder of I ♥ Faces

  6. Was it Hilary Duff in a Cinderella movie? We watched that one -- twice!!

  7. The movie was "Another Cinderella Story" I think. same basic concept as the hillary duff one.

    Mhari - any time you want to do pictures let me know. I need the practice.

  8. What a wonderful photo! The blue is such a good compliment to her outfit and skin.

  9. Hey - I know that face! Great pic. What was it for? Just for fun? Nice list.

  10. Wow- she looks fabulous! I haven't seen this new look in person yet- only on your blog. Great pic :)

  11. Hey Bets, I stumbled upon this looking at mighty mom's baby pictures. I didn't know you knew each other! Small world! It's been really fun catching up on your beautiful family. Great photos. I'm so glad (I assume) you're starting a business? You're very very talented. Amy Jo


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