
A Confession

I love my camera.
I worked hard to get it. I had to run 500 miles to earn this baby. (Although, I must admit that Nate bought it for me before I actually completed the 500 miles - but I did run them all.) My camera is my favorite toy/tool. My kids are old enough that they want to learn to use it. While I am glad that they want to learn, I wish they didn't have to use my camera to learn on. I also get a little nervous when other adults use my camera. I try to tell myself that it will be okay. But I am still anxious until the camera is back in my hands. I know this sounds bad and selfish and a little unreasonable. But my camera is almost an extension of myself. It is the means through which I record the important and everyday moments in my life. It is my visual journal. I feel lacking when I don't have it. I guess I'm a little addicted. I am still learning how to use it. I'm no where near close to mastering anything. But I love to try and experiment and see what comes out the other digital end. My goal is to be able to capture the feelings and images I see with my eyes and my heart using my camera. I think that it will take a lifetime.


  1. You do take great pictures! I'm always impressed by what you post!

    I have to thank you for letting us use your camera that one Christmas because it convinced us to get one as well.

  2. I wouldn't fault you for not letting anyone touch your camera.

    Maybe have some old one around if they say they need a camera.

    Who would ask a surgeon if they could use his scalpel!!??

    And you are getting some great shots!

  3. beautiful shot of the light through the trees!

    i think you are doing wonderful. and you are right - it does take a lifetime - i have taken 10's of thousands or more shots and i still learn something new almost everytime the camera is in my hands

    i know how you feel about not letting someone else touch your camera - i very rarely let anyone touch mine - well my good one anyway without setting the shot up first. my camera is not only an extension of my creativity, it is also my means of income. i don't let my kids touch my laptop either.

    good for you on running all those miles - that is an awesome accomplishment!

  4. gimme gimme gimme, its mine

  5. I agree, there are somethings that are just yours. I am that way about my sewing machine. I still need to learn to use our good camera but since it is an SLR and not digital, I guess that I will wait until I get home for good. You are very talented and making great shots.

  6. Howdy Betsy! I found you through M's blog when you took her cute baby's pictures recently. You are a great photographer. I think you should start a business, You're photos are unique, one of a kind, think outside the box great. It was fun catching up on your kids. Amy Jo

  7. I also wanted to mention that taking high fructose corn syrup out of the diet helps with AHDH. Good luck! Organic is expensive!

  8. I do let my kids use my other cameras (there are 3). When they become proficient at taking decent pics with the point and shoots, I'll probably get them an SLR of their own - or not. I guess if it's really important to them they can buy their own. Maybe they'll appreciate it more.

  9. We have a really good photographer in our ward. Once I asked to use his studio to photograph Natalie with my own camera. He agreed - and then forgot I was coming and wasn't home to help me figure his stuff out.

    So he told his wife to just let me use his camera - it was already set up. I was floored!!! His camera costs upwards of $2000 or more (best guess). I actually didn't want to touch it - what if I broke it!!!

    Since his wife was willing to stay down there with me and we explored the camera together I did use it (and boy, was it nice) but I was worried the whole time.

    I don't blame you for not wanting a nice camera out of your hands.

    If I had a really nice camera no one would touch it. That's why I take two cameras when we go somewhere nice.

  10. I know what you mean :) I feel the same way about pictures and I can't wait to have a fancy camera like you someday!- Laura Zang

  11. Isn't that the beauty of photography? It has a lifelong learning curve and it is, indeed, your own expression of what you see.

    If you ever upgrade ... then the kids can use it ... maybe:)!

  12. HMMM...I've always been known to have a camera "in my purse" and the when I had this big strange digital one my dad got me it was hard to take anywhere so I got over a bit of my addiction - now that I'm back to a small (yucky, but what we could afford WITH a few gift cards from Wal-Mart/Sams) one I often don't know where the camera is because it's IN my bag! Addicted? I'd say "appreciative" of that which you have>>>count your many blessings, take pictures of them one by one:-)


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