
Superbowl Sunday

I am not a football fan. I do not watch football on TV, usually. But for some unexplicable reason, I wanted to watch the SuperBowl. So we did. (To show how often we don't watch, I thought it was cool that they have that digital yellow line and the down/yardage graphic on the field to make sure you can tell what's going on. And those hover cameras on a cable above the field - pretty cool.) We watched a good portion of it on fast forward (thank goodness for DVR's), and rewatched the ads we liked (Hazel's favorites were the clidesdale horse ones). Explained some stuff to the kids about football (can't let them be lacking in their education) and watched some great plays. I wasn't rooting for either team in particular, but am a little sad that Arizona didn't win. Although the last touchdown by the Steeler's was pretty impressive. Maybe I could become a fan afterall.


  1. Hee hee- I am no where near being a fan of football yet... but I also think that computer/digital stuff they put on the field is so spiffy!- Laura Zang

  2. that last touchdown by the Steelers looked questionable!! :)


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