
Crawfish Boil

We had our annual crawfish boil a couple weekends ago. Lots of yummy fun, as always. This year we invited all our neighbors and some friends to join us. We had a great time. The weather was windy but not hot or rainy. We played some bocce, ate crawfish, corn and potates, (the less adventurous had hotdogs and hamburgers), and talked and ate some more. We had a lot of crawfish left over. (I guess we overestimated everyone's crawfish consumption.)
The kids played the live ones for hours.


  1. Hmm - being the very less-adventurous eater that I am, I suspect I would have been an observer - but it looks interesting anyway!

  2. that is a great tradition.

  3. sounds like a good time!

  4. Hey, I have an Astro this year too!


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