
Terminator's Sister

Slowly, one procedure at a time, body parts are being replaced with titanium ones. It started with root canals and crowns; then orthodontia. I had surgery to repair both jaw joints. Next, I got 4 metal plates in my mouth - above and below my teeth; my palette expanded, my whole jaw repositioned, and a deviated septum fixed. I even had my chin repositioned and a metal "z" plate installed. But apparently it was too much for my body to take. One side of my jaw never healed. In fact, it started disappearing.

All this leads to the next procedure: an artificial jaw joint. On July 2nd, I'll add 16 more screws to my head. And finally getting my face somewhat back to normal, on the outside at least. Still going to be bionic on the inside!

Making a grand total of 56 screws, 5 titanium plates, and 1 plastic fossa.

Can't wait...


  1. I'm so sorry!!! I hope you have short recovery.

  2. Yikes!!! I bet airport security loves you. :-)

  3. I'm here for you (or there)!

  4. Good luck! I have horrible TMJ. It locks open when I go to the dentist, and gets so sore just from talking some days. I've always heard the same story over and over...there is nothing they can do, you just have to deal with it.

    Hopefully this will fix it fo'reals!

  5. Hope the recovery from said surgery includes lots of R and R for you!!

  6. I had no idea that it was going to be such a crazy ordeal. I feel so bad for you :( Please let me know what we can do to help... you said July 2nd right? Can we watch Hazel? Bring a meal? Let me know what would be most helpful.


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