
cool running

I went running this morning. 

I had to talk myself into it for about 3 hours.  I had to take a bunch of advil because I am still not feeling great.  But I brought all my running gear to Vegas and I felt like I had to use it since I brought it.  You know what happened?  I ran three miles.  (I had planned to just walk, really).  And I did it 10 minutes faster than the 3 miles I ran at home last week!  Yes I know...CRAZY!  I am guessing that my asthmatic lungs don't like the humidity/mold/allergen laden air in Texas.  Or maybe running at higher elevations is easier for me (it's close to sea level in Texas).  So, even though I was sick, tired and not really motivated, running here was definitely more inspiring than at home. 

I might actually go again tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Betsy, I've been meaning to call you. Hopefully I will this weekend. Good job on running? Any half marathon ideas for this upcoming year?

    P.S. I also like your laptop! Sweet!

    Love and miss you!


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