
Turning our hearts

Now that both Aspen and Toby are old enough, we are trying to go do baptisms for the dead at the temple more often.  Aunt Joan kindly supplied us with some family names and we have been trying for the last two months to get to the temple.  While we were in Las Vegas, we wanted to take advantage of the close proximity to the temple (2 miles away) to finally get the baptisms done. 

We remembered last minute (as in a few hours before leaving for the airport) to get recommends for Toby and Aspen while we were at church.  We even caught the name typo on the recommend before leaving the church and had the bishop correct it.   I kept them for safe keeping.

In Las Vegas, I called the temple and got the last time slot available before the holiday for family baptisms.  Everything was all working out.  We were all showered, changed and ready to go.  I had the names, Nate and  I had our recommends.

I went to get find the kids' recommends, and they were nowhere to be found.

I looked everywhere, twice.  We prayed.  I looked everywhere again.  I called a member of our bishopric.  It seemed hopeless.  So I called the temple to let them know we couldn't make it.  But they had a solution.  A member of our bishopric just needed to call the temple.  So, though we were late.  We still managed to get in.  We were able to get all our names done. 

I know that it was an answer to prayers.  I think that those family members we were doing baptisms for really wanted us to be able to get their work done for them.  I am also glad that we could go as a family.  Soon, I will be able  to be in the temple with all of my children.  I am looking forward to that day.


  1. AS ward mission leader, Harry has pretty regular excursions to the temple for the new converts to do baptisms for the dead. It is always a great experience.

  2. We have gone on numerous temple trips with our youth. It is always a great experience and well worth the effort. Leslie

  3. Betsy thank you for getting them done!! I know that they appreicate it. I like when family members do the baptisms. If anyone needs names, call me!!

    Aunt Joan


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