
Now we have TWO of them living in our house

Two teenagers.

Aspen turned 13 last week.

She planned her own party: 25 of her "closest" friends (mostly the beehives and deacons from church, plus a few others from school). They played field games and had a good time, despite the windy, chilly, weather. The hot chocolate helped. Then, on her actual birthday, we had cake and presents.

I don't know if I will survive teenage-hood. Mostly, my children are great. But when they aren't sleeping enough, hungry, (all the usual suspects + hormones) things get a little dramatic at times. But I guess as long as I get enough sleep, we'll be good. Then I can deal with the drama.


  1. The teens are great years - especially upon reflection!!

  2. happy birthday to aspen! i only have one teenager and two pre-teens and the drama seems overwhelming at times. i am finding this place in our family life so much harder than when they were babies and toddlers.

  3. At first I thought, Wow! Aspen is the same age as Marty! And then I remembered taking walks in Chicago, both pregnant, and realized those babies were Aspen and Marty! Time flies! Happy Birthday!

  4. Two is always better than one. Good Luck. They are good kids.

  5. Two is always better than one. Good Luck. They are good kids.


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