
Norway Day 5

Last night, an alarm went off around 2 am. I thought it was the neighbor's car alarm. I heard someone get up, run down the stairs and after a few minutes, the alarm ceased, and the neighbor returned home. Turns out, the alarm was actually a building alarm. Someone was burglarizing the apartment on the top floor! (There are only 3 floors and 7 apartments in Hester's building) and the running down the stairs was actually the burglar leaving the building. They didn't catch him. Anyway, the lady upstairs said we should probably keep the windows closed. Apparently the burglar climbed up the scaffolding that is outside the building and went in through a window. Fortunately for us, the windows in Hester's apartment that are on the side of the building with scaffolding are all painted shut. Couldn't open those if we wanted to without breaking the glass.
In other exciting news: we went to the park to play. I love city parks. Much different than the suburban parks in my neighborhood.
Here, there are so many people just enjoying being outdoors. Playing, reading, sun bathing, riding bikes and skateboards, sleeping. Just using the park and loving the outdoors. In my park it's usually just moms trying to wear out their kids before naptime. I don't think I've ever seen a mom laying out in the sun in her bikini while her baby sleeps in the stroller. Or couples making out on a blanket (only see that around college campuses).
Anyway, the park was nearly empty since it was about 8 pm and kind of drizzly. But we played and had fun anyway.
Then we walked to the corner store to get stuff for dinner: homemade pizza and went home to watch the World Cup game between England and Algeria.
This is my favorite part about true vacations (as opposed to trips): just hanging out, doing whatever, no schedule or concrete plans, and everyone is happy. Sight seeing is fun too...but not always relaxing. We're trying to do a bit of both.


  1. I am a fan of vacations - not trips!!

    Hmm - not too keen on burglars either!!

  2. I thought maybe you'd taken photos of the lady in the bikini or the couple making out! I was going to laugh at you sneaking photos!

    Homemade pizza sounds great!

  3. I am glad that the pizza turned out well. I am just trying to get my house organized so that I can make pizza.


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