
Snow day 2011

They say our winter is probably over here in Austin.  At least we actually got snow this year.  In the 13 winters we've spent here, we've only had snow maybe 4 or 5 times.   The kids are out early in the morning, in whatever cold weather gear they can find, and play until it melts away.  With the golf course in our backyard, we usually end up with a few extra friends to sled or make snowmen or have snowball fights. 

I'm glad that I didn't leave all our gear in Utah like I thought of doing at Christmas time.  (It's such a pain to pack that much gear across the country.)  They kids had a great day.  It was really really cold for Texas:  in the single digits at night with the wind chill.  We had rolling power outages across Texas to help with the overload.  A few of our pipes froze.  We enjoyed many fires in our fireplace.

But I'm ready for some springtime.  It's supposed to be back in the 80's by Monday..  Thank goodness.  I'm ready for sunshine, flowers, and green grass.

1 comment:

  1. Well, it pretty much never snows in our neck of the woods. Sometimes it does in the mountains that ring our valley - but it's quite a hike to get to it. Our kids will freak out over a significant hail storm - rush out and gather it up as if it was snow.

    It did snow in 1948 in Granada Hills though - and I remember it too!

    It's been in the high 70's-80's all week now - but it's supposed to rain on Wednesday. There is a charm to SoCal and it is the weather in the wintertime!


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