
Band Festival

Toby went to a Band Festival on Saturday down in New Braunfels, (with Nate as a chaperone). Their beginning band placed first and got a trophy! Mr. Moede is a great band teacher. Toby really had a good time. Especially since after the festival they all went to Schlitterbahn (water park)! I brought Aspen, Isaac, and Hazel down in the afternoon. We all had a good time. Hazel took her time getting used to the water. I didn't manage to get any pictures (except for a couple of Hazel NOT enjoying the water). But it was a fun day all the same.
I am so looking forward to school being over and the lazy days of summer beginning. ( 9 more school days left!!!)

1 comment:

  1. It's times like this I hate year-round schedule. 42 days left. It's the pits


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