

I'm going to rename Copper. She thinks she is so fiersome - but -- she's so not.

Last night there was a little thunder storm. Copper (and Hazel) were crying at 2 AM this morning. (Copper is just a tad louder than Hazel.) Hazel finally went back to her own bed at 3 AM. Copper, however, could not be persuaded to leave my side until 8 o'clock this morning. She slept under me, under my bed, until I finally got up.

Lest you think otherwise, we love Copper, especially Hazel. Thankfully, Copper is great with kids!


  1. wow copper is getting old, yes she is somewhat of a scaredy cat. Although, one time back in highschool i went into mom and dads bedroom to let them know i was home and copper started growling and charged me out of the room. She backed me into a corner and it wasn't until i screamed that she finally let up.

  2. its because copper has always hated you hannah


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