
Inner Space

One of the other things we did during Spring Break has been on my list of places to seen in Austin since we moved here nearly 8 years ago...INNNER SPACE. It is a local cave that highway construction workers found in 1963. I always thought caves were in mountains, proved me wrong. Anyway, it was cool and a fun outing. The other boy with us is Toby's best friend, Dallin.

Hazel wasn't too keen on touching the cave at first.


  1. yuck! I sympathize with Hazel. Who are those 2 kids in the front on the last picture? the kid on the right looks like he's not having the greatest time. haha.

  2. Isaac hates to have his picture taken. I think it must be a phase that all boys, and some girls, go through. He hates the time it takes out from his fun!

  3. oh was that isaac? I guess I should have recognized him,.. I was not expecting him to be bigger than Toby. :) I can understand hating to be taken away from the fun. I have similar issues. :)


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